Welcome to my blog!

I am a first time mom-to-be just trying to organize the wealth of information I’ve been reading about. This blog contains my notes, thoughts, and must-have products I’ve come across as I’ve been reading parenting books and magazines.

I hope that you and your baby can benefit from the parenting tips I’ve compiled. Throughout this blog, I will refer to baby as “he” rather than “he/she” since I am preparing for a little guy of my own. All comments and advice from other moms out there are welcome! Happy parenting!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby's First Haircut

Here are some tips from American Baby magazine to help your little one cope with his first haircut from a stranger.
  • Let him sit on your lap while you get your hair cut first.
  • Avoid using the word “cut.” Instead, say things like “Look how nicely she’s fixing Mommy’s hair.”
  • Play hair styling games at home. Use a hair dryer and drape a towel around him for a cape.
  • Find a salon that specializes in cutting kids’ hair. The stylists will be patient and quick.
  • Schedule his appointment for after a nap or another time when he’s on his best behavior.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Help Baby Cope with Separation Anxiety

Babies as young as 6 months get anxious when they realize you’re gone. Here are some tips from American Baby magazine for leaving your baby with a sitter or at day care.
  1. Practice. Play peek-a-boo to teach baby that you will come back after you leave. Then progress to leaving the room for a minute or two. Say, “Mommy will be right back.” If he gets upset, talk to him from the other room to show him that he’s safe and you’re still there.
  2. Don’t leave him with a stranger. The first experience with a new babysitter should be in your presence so baby sees that you’re comfortable with him or her. Same goes for day care—visit on a day when you can stay with baby and leave together.
  3. Have an exit plan. Don’t sneak out while baby isn’t looking. This just teaches him to be fearful that you could disappear at any time. Come up with a goodbye ritual (a kiss, song, etc.).
  4. Let him cry it out. Your baby will pick up your cues and react accordingly—stay calm and confident, and baby will learn that you trust the person you are leaving him with.
  5. Take time for a sweet reunion. Join baby in whatever activity he is engaged in. Cuddle if he needs it and comfort him if he needs

Friday, May 13, 2011

How Do I Introduce Solid Foods to My Baby?

American Baby magazine suggests starting with a single-grain baby cereal such as baby oatmeal, barley, or brown rice when your baby is about 6 months of age. Here’s how to introduce solids to your baby:
  • Mix breast milk or formula with the cereal. At first, it should be a watery consistency. As baby gets the hang of eating, use less liquid.
  • Offer the initial spoonfuls as a snack, an hour after baby has nursed or had a bottle.
  • Wait 3 or 4 days before offering a new grain to make sure baby isn’t allergic.
  • Introduce multigrain cereals after you’ve offered him each grain separately.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Infant Hunger and Fullness Cues

Here is some information I found in a Gerber informational pamphlet:

Signs your baby is hungry:
  • Cries or acts fussy
  • Smiles and looks at you while you’re feeding him
  • Opens mouth and leans toward the spoon

Signs your baby is full:
  • Stops sucking or releases nipple
  • Slows down sucking or falls asleep
  • Turns head away from spoon
  • Spits out familiar food

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How do I know when my baby is ready for solid foods?

Here are some tips to determine if your baby is ready for solid foods (from a Gerber pamphlet):

Gerber suggests your baby for solids (purees and baby cereals) if he meets most of the following criteria:

- Baby weighs more than twice his birth weight

- Baby sits with help or support

- Baby has good head control

- Baby still seems hungry after 8-10 feedings

- Baby turns his head when he’s full

- Baby seems interested in your food

- Baby moves his tongue forward when his lips are touched

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How often and how much does my baby need to eat?

Here is a sample baby feeding schedule for a 6 month-old baby from a Gerber pamphlet:

Early Morning: Breastfeed until full OR 4-5 oz. formula

Breakfast: Breastfeed OR 4-5 oz. formula, AND 1 tbsp. rice cereal mixes with 4-5 tbsp. breastmilk or formula (give him some breastmilk, then cereal, then breastmilk)

Lunch: Breastfeed until full OR 4-5 oz. formula

Afternoon snack: Breastfeed until full OR 4-5 oz. formula

Dinner: Breastfeed OR 4-5 oz. formula AND 1 tbsp. rice cereal mixes with 4-5 tbsp. breastmilk or formula (give him some breastmilk, then cereal, then breastmilk)

Bedtime: Breastfeed until full OR 4-5 oz. formula

That sounds to me like an awful lot of food for a little baby, but at least I have some idea of how much a baby needs to eat at 6 months. If you have a child, does this feeding schedule sound accurate? How much and how often does your baby eat?

For another great resource for infant feeding schedules, visit Family-Health-and-Nutrition.com.